GovTech Stack the Flags 2020 Competition
What Is It?
STACK the Flags is a 48Hr online, jeopardy style Capture-the-Flag (CTF) competition organised by GovTech’s Cyber Security Group (CSG). It aims to engage the tech community and is open to everyone, except for employees of GovTech or officers that are seconded to GovTech.
What took place?
Participants will get to compete and test their cybersecurity skills in challenges across 11 different cybersecurity domains.
The categories are:
- Binary Exploitation
- Cloud
- Cryptography
- Forensics
- Internet of things (IoT)
- Miscellaneous
- Mobile
- Open Source Intelligence (OSINT)
- Reverse Engineering (RE)
- Social Engineering (SE)
- Web
What have I got?
Certificate of participation
Awarding Institution
Government Technology Agency of Singapore (GOVTECH)
Which award did I obtain?
Certificate of participation
View my credentials
CTF Team